19 self care ideas for busy or new mums. Flourish Maternity breastfeeding clothes NZ New Zealand

19 Self-care Ideas for Busy Mums


We all know as parents how important it is to take care of ourselves. When we can stay connected to our own well-being, it overflows onto our children and we become more patient, loving, happy parents. Mums need to see the value in taking time for themselves. Partners should also understand that when Mum gets some time to herself, she is re-energized and reset, ready to take on the next challenge. Self-care ideas for busy mums is so important, for the whole family!

Between dropping older children off, work, picking children up, washing, kids sports, dinner, bedtime, and sleep (well, we'll call it sleep), when on earth do we find the time to do anything for ourselves? It’s easy to get caught in a constant cycle of I should, I will, and I didn't today… maybe I will tomorrow … maybe next week.  The struggle is real!

To get you started, here are 19 super simple self-care ideas to start trying today!

  1. Get a massage

Who is going to argue with this one? The benefits of massage are overwhelming, and research shows that a regular massage will reduce stress and anxiety AND help you sleep…mmm sleep.

  1. Get a manicure or pedicure

Self-care with instant results! There is no denying that a little pampering will make you feel good.

  1. Have a beauty treatment

Book a quick facial or get your hair done. Your children think you are beautiful no matter what, but sometimes the littlest things can make us feel beautiful again.

  1. Yoga Classes

We all love hanging out in our yoga pants, but actually doing yoga is great for you too! Yoga is a wonderful way to get in your "me time" while also reaping benefits for your body and mind

  1. Stretch

Carrying your little one around too much? Stretching loosens your muscles which relieves muscle fatigue and increases blood flow.

  1. Go for a walk or run

Self-care requires that we take a daily preventative approach to the care of our bodies. What does that more than exercise, right?

  1. Retail Therapy - shop for yourself

When is the last time you actually did this? It doesn't have to be big, but it has to be for you. 

  1. Keep a Journal

Journaling helps balance emotions and requires you to set time aside for yourself. It has many health benefits, and as a bonus you can write down all of those amazing things that your little ones say that you never want to forget!  The benefits are endless. Simply keeping a gratitude journal can increase well-being and life satisfaction. Really, there is science behind it!

  1. Have Coffee Dates with Your Friends

Self-care is about connection with yourself, but don't forget that connecting with others is good for your soul too! Take time to nurture your friendships by getting together with friends.

  1. Read

Whether you want to learn something new, or just be taken away for a while, reading helps reduce stress and brain fog.

  1. Cook your Favourite meal

This might sound like more work but do it for you! Take time to soak in the aromas, enjoy the quiet time chopping and prepping, and reap the benefits of a delicious meal.

  1. Listen to Your Favourite Music

How can you not feel happy when you hear your favourite music?

  1. Colouring-in

Jump in with your little one or get your own colouring book.  It's a great time to bond with your child. Find out why colouring is so great for your mental health.

  1. Get a babysitter and Do Whatever You Want

Schedule time just for you to do whatever you want, and don't get caught running for groceries or catching up on housework. Take this time to do a few items on this list!

  1. Prioritize

Take time to consider what must be done, what should be done, and what can wait...and focus on the things that matter most!

  1. Ask for help

Asking for help doesn't make you anything less than a superhero.

  1. Gardening

Gardening can reduce stress, clear your mind, and help you sleep better. Added are the benefits of getting some extra vitamin D!

  1. Take a long shower or bath

Put the kids to bed and take a minute (or twenty) to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate for the day ahead.

  1. Take a Fun Class

Take time to nurture your mind by learning a new skill or taking on a hobby. Often mums feel guilty for taking time out of the day to do something on their own but stepping out of toddler talk to time with adults can keep us sane.


Smell your little one’s heads, shower them with kisses, and dance with them to silly music, because it's the most amazing and wonderful thing you will ever do having fun with your wee ones.

Do little things every day that take care of you. Remember that when you take time for some self-care, you are better rested and able to handle all that life may bring your way.  You’ve got this!

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