Written by the amazing Miranda Harrison from Activ8 Gym Whangarei
I’m not Supermum!
Do you wish you could put on a cape and lipstick in the morning, turn into a Supermum, click your fingers and everything just be ‘done’?
We might wish this… but the reality is we can’t. We have to accept what we have, be thankful for it…and just get on with our days.
Some days are great- everyone gets dressed by themselves, there is no food on the other side of the room, we get out the door and in the car with no screams, tantrums or fights. Then on other days shit hits the fan- nothing seems to go right, and it seems like we achieve nothing but changing nappies the whole day. Guess what? I hear you!
I’m Miranda- a Mum of 3, a Wife and a part-owner of Activ8 Health & Fitness. I love to support, motivate and train people into greater strength, fitness and wellbeing- and I especially love getting Mums back into an exercise regimen and gaining back that time to themselves.
My biggest tip for Post-Natal Mums getting back into exercise and thinking about their health and fitness is NOT TO RUSH.
Accept this:
- Your body has just carried a baby for 9 months
- You have just pushed a baby out and are still recovering 3-12months on
- Your body is now a completely different body than it was 9 months ago.
- Pre Baby Body? The best thing to do is forget about it and start from what you now have.
- We are now breastfeeding, having sleepless nights, carrying a baby around, have less time, have different hormones in our bodies and now a full-on MUM!
Alright, now we have accepted our beautiful new bodies, it’s time to feel more confident in them. It’s time to thank them for what they have done and been through and move on to stronger, fitter and more confident days.
Depending on what kind of pregnancy, birth and what number child this is- listen to your body and do what feels right. You may like to do nothing and just be at home. Or start going for some short walks to get out in the fresh air and get the body moving. Pelvic Floor Strengthening can start now- Pelvic Floor Program completed 3 days per week.
Short Walks, Pelvic Floor Programme 5 days/ week
8- 12 WEEKS
Depending on your birth, your pelvic floor, your baby, your time and how you are feeling. You can start to get into longer walks and an exercise regimen.
3x weekly walks
1-2x Body Weight Training
Listening to your body is the best thing. If you feel more energy, have more time and are ready to get back into an exercise regimen, then go for it! Start off with light weights and build up to heavier as the weeks go on.
1-3x Body weight and light weight training to strengthen Pelvic Floor, Lower back, upper body and posture.
2-3x Walking outside
3x Stretching in evenings
Continue on with Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises
If you want to join a group in Whangarei, learn how to do exercises correctly and feel supported along the way please get in touch to join our Mums Club for Post-Natal exercise. This is run every Tuesday at 9.15am and Thursday at 10am with Fully Qualified Pelvic-Floor Certified Personal Trainers- Bubbles and Miranda.